Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Nature Conservancy's Disney Wilderness Preserve

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In Orlando for a conference, Ted and I snuck out one afternoon to visit the Nature Conservancy's Disney Wilderness Preserve. Through a friend, I had been introduced to some of the scientists there and so I had an invitation to take a tour. The roads were rough and wet in places so it took a special big wheeled vehicle to get around, but what a place! A variety of habitats, loads of wildlife, and great restoration work being done. The scrub jays showed off, Red-cockaded woodpeckers
kept their distance, sandhill cranes stalked around the marshes, some with chicks, some on nests, and, as the sun was setting, a flock of turkeys wandered across our path, strutting and shining and unconcerned with their human audience. We even saw a bobcat. It was a taste of Florida Nature -- I look forward to an extended visit next time.

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