Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Special Edition Duck Stamp Cachet

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Yesterday, I was invited to Memphis for the unveiling of a first-of-its-kind special edition Federal Duck Stamp cachet (envelope) which will be sold to collectors, conservationists, hunters, birders, and the general public ($25, $10 more than the standard duck stamp) to raise funds for additional land acquisition for National Wildlife Refuges along the Gulf Coast. Duck stamps have been a conservation tradition since 1934 -- many thousands are sold each year.

The press event was staged at Ducks Unlimited headquarters (the world's leader in wetlands and waterfowl conservation) and included such VIPs as Ken Salazar, United States Secretary of the Interior, Evan Hirsche, President of the National Wildlife Refuge Association, and Rowan Gould, Acting Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

So why would David Moynahan, Conservation Photographer, be invited to such an event? Well, last week, I got a call from National Wildlife Service in Washington asking if one of my photographs from St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge could be used for this project. They had searched for the right photo of coastal wildlife refuge wetlands and found my image among the winners in a National Wildlife Refuge Association Photo Contest (click - here's what they found ).

Wow! I was happy to be able to contribute in yet another small way toward healing the Gulf and protecting her shores.

The project suddenly went into the fast lane... and on Monday, a flight and hotel were booked for me to attend the press release on Tuesday. It was a great honor to be thanked by Secretary Salazar and many others, and to meet the heads of federal agencies who are working relentlessly to help restore the Gulf -- a closeup view of our government in action.

And, for the day, I was a VIP too. Cool.

ps- The public can purchase the special edition Federal Duck Stamp cachet from the FWS's distributor at 1-800-852-4897 or at

Here is what the cachet looks like. The photo is printed on silk and set in an embossed gold frame.


  1. Thanks for sharing the story of your recent well deserved recognition. And just think-we knew you back when you were just plain David. And now we too are honored to be among your close acquaintances. her is to happy clicking. Jack and Dorothy

  2. Wow! What a day. Richly deserved.
    Congratulations to you for this exceptional recognition. YEA!

  3. Congratulations David - it looks great! What an honor!

  4. Having you plucked up and whisked off for a national honoring just proves that occasionally the wheels of karmic justice spin efficiently and true.

  5. Wow! I so thrilled to see you and your art so honored. love, Susan

  6. Thanks, David, for sharing your story. Wow, we are both impressed, and what a great and deserving photo. Maybe these guys will have a better understanding of what is at stake when they permit offshore drilling!
    -Jack and Dorothy
