Sunday, May 30, 2010

UnspOILed - Writer's Speak for Florida's Coast

Click on an image to see a larger version, and then use your BACK button to return to the blog. Enjoy!

I have been working hard on the artwork for a new book these past few months. None of us could have guessed the book's release would coincide with the nation's worst oil spill -- right here in our Gulf of Mexico -- which threatens to turn Florida's coast from UnspOILed to despoiled. The book is a collection of 38 passionate voices speaking for the beautiful Gulf coast of Florida. My photographs, turned into black and white "inkblots" head each essay, as well as the book's cover. Here is a sample of the inkblots, as well as some excerpts lifted from the pages of Unspoiled and laid over a few of my color photos (most of which are not 'inkblotted' in the book).
Click on a photo to enlarge it, then hit your Back button to return to the blog.


  1. this leaves me breathless, with love, with sorrow, with gratitude for heart felt words and pictures.Thank you.

  2. david, i am deeply moved by your vision and commitment to the cause of right living. we are fortunate to have you lend your talents to UNSPOILED...
    all best,
    john moran

  3. Your photography gives voice to those who cannot write. Thank you for sharing these philosophical insights and memories. Sand dunes so white and high seafarers used them to navigate by; toddlers chasing fiddler crabs by the millions. Yet with this miracle of life also comes the brutality of death; you're chased and eaten by some wahoo in the water or some land shark scheming with a lounge lizard about defrauding the people who are also part of this system.

  4. What a stunning and poignant protrayal of all that makes our Gulf coast so special and sacred. Thank you for sharing such intimate images and reflections.
    With gratitude,

  5. Beautiful photos, David. I fear for the beaches and all the living things along the shore. Those beaches were my home for 14 years.

  6. David,
    You have created a magnificent work.
    Do you plan to publish this as a book?
    If the answer is yes, please put me at the top of your list.
    Thank you for producing such a warm and beautiful piece.

  7. Thank you for such beauty others will never see or understand.
